Fine of up to 625 euros for companies which hand over medical reports “past the deadline” after 3 working days. This is the new deadline that the enterprises have at their disposal under the new rules of management and control of temporary disability.On June 25 we published a blog in which we explained the new classification of the (very short, short, medium and long) sick leave by the EOSS/1187/2015 issued on 15 June and coming into force on December 1st 2015.It is important to note that with the entry into force of this order, changes the deadlines for the sick leave, confirmation and registration:

  • Employees will have 3 days from the issue of the sick leave report to notify the company and only if the sick leave and confirmation. In the case of certificate of discharge only have 24 hours from the issue thereof to deliver it to the company.
  • Companies only have 3 working days to communicate the medical reports to Health Service (INSS), from the day in which the worker receives a copy of said reports.

These new deadlines imply that communication by the company, the medical reports is subject to the timely delivery by the workers themselves, so that more control is needed. In that sense, the failure of workers may lead to a justified cause of “late delivery” by the company which could them avoid the penalty.