These rights allow those in possession to be able to choose who and how they can be used. Therefore, they make up one of the main assets a firm has, so having them correctly protected is of great importance.

We are specialised in the counselling related to these fields:

  • Patent registration, knowledge protection or know-how, license concession and sale and acquisition of patents as well as any industrial property right or the coordination of the necessary legal course of action in case any property right were to be infringed.

  • Registration, sale, acquisition and concession of both licenses and brands and, if necessary any trademarks or the coordination of the necessary legal course of action in case any property right were to be infringed.

  • Protection, concession , and transfer of licenses and intellectual property rights.

  • Redaction and negotiation of development agreements, license concession, cession, distribution, support or software maintenance, including standard software and software specifically adapted to the technical specifications of the customer, shrink-wrap or click-wrap, freeware software, shareware software , or multi usage licenses , in both tangible and intangible form.

  • Concession of licenses, development, distribution or use of open source software.

  • Brand and domain names protection, resolutions of conflicts between brands and domain names and coordination of the recommended measures to achieve an adequate protection.

Global solutions

DMCONSULTANTS is a team of highly qualified professionals that range in all the disciplines of legal, labor and tax fields to make sure that we are able to provide all of our customers with global solutions in every aspect they might need.