In order to facilitate and ensure their right to participate in elections for the Parliament of Catalonia on the 27th of September for workers, the Order EMO / 274/2015, of 31 August, establishes the regime of permission to be as follows:On Sunday September 27, 2015 companies will grant workers who have the right to vote and that on that date do not have a free day (under Article 37.1 of the Statute of Workers, Royal Legislative Decree 1 / 1995 of 24 March), paid leave of up to four hours maximum in the corresponding working day, so that they can exercise their right to vote.

  • This takes the form of paid leave with salary that would apply if the worker had worked and is not recoverable.
  • In the event that the working day only partially coincides with the opening hours of the polling station said permission is to be granted as follows:
  1. If the hours coincide a maximum of two hours, the employee is not entitled to any permission.
  2. If the hours coincide between two hours and a maximum of four hours, two hours’ paid leave will be granted.
  3. If the hours coincide four or more hours, the general permit will be granted for four hours.
  • In the event that the worker on the polling day has a working day less hours than usual, legal or agreed, He will be entitled to paid leave proportionate to the general four hours, depending on the length of the working day.
  • Workers whose schedule does not coincide totally or partially with that of the polling stations are not entitled to any permission.
  • The employer’s right to determine when to use the hours granted to vote and must always match the opening hours of the polling station. Employers may require the accreditation issued by the electoral board that the worker has voted.
  • Workers who do not enjoy a free day on September 27, and attesting to the status of members of the electoral board of auditors or attorneys, will be granted corresponding to the full time of that day paid leave and also a permit for first five hours of the workday the day immediately after. Similarly, the Company may request the worker justification of acting as board member or auditor.
  • Also entitled to paid leave of the five hours of the working day from the day after the vote, workers, still enjoying the day 27 September weekly rest, demonstrating their status as members of the board, auditor or attorney.
  • If any of the working people referred to above, should work on the night shift the day before election day, the employer, at the request of the person concerned, should change that shift so you can rest the night before election.
  • Shall also be granted a paid and not recoverable from a maximum of four hours to permit workers perform functions away from their habitual residence or other conditions which hinder the exercise of the right to vote, so they can personally make the necessary certificate request for voting by mail. This permit can be enjoyed from the call until the day September 27, 2015.